IPRA COUNCIL 2023-2025
IPRA’s highest interim decision-making body, elected at our Biennial General Membership meetings held at the time of our Biennial conferences, serves for two years between these gatherings. For decades IPRA’s Council has, by Constitutional edict, been proudly Global South-majority with complete gender parity. As the world reconsidered the nonbinary nature of gender, IPRA has begun discussion of these principles to make our Council even more inclusive, diverse, and representative of all of humanity. At the moment, as noted below and elected in Trinidad & Tobago in May 2023, IPRA is made up of four representatives (two men and two women) from Africa, four from Asia/Pacific, four from Europe, four from Latin America, four from North America, two positions in addition held by Indigenous Peoples globally, and led by two Secretaries-General who are elected by the membership. This Council of 24 people is supplemented by Ex-Officio non-voting members including the immediately preceding Secretaries-General, one representative of each of IPRA’s five regional associations, one representative of the IPRA Foundation (a related but independent organization), and one liaison from each IPRA Commission.

Vidar Vambheim
Co-Treasurer, Ex-Officio
Linda Johnston
IPRA Foundation